Create your Morning Brew newsletter

With Mailbrew you can create your personal morning brew newsletter, to receive the latest content from your favorite websites and people.
Morning Brew

Why do you need to create an email list?

Founders and CEOs, teachers and students, tech workers and artists — they're all using Mailbrew to keep in touch with everything they need, and unplug from social media.

In fact Mailbrew makes it so easy to create a personal newsletter, and once it's created it's 100% automatic, so you can sit back and relax.


Create your "morning brew", a Mailbrew-powered daily newsletter.

Pick a title and select a schedule.

Select your sources. You can add any RSS Feed, Twitter accounts, YouTube channel and much more.

Done! You'll now receive your latest morning brew newsletter everyday.

Mailbrew gives you much more

You'll also be able to create any automated email digest you can imagine. Here's a preview of what you can create:


Product Hunt


RSS Feeds


Hacker News

Top Stories


Google News



Things our users say