Katelyn Bourgoin

Katelyn Bourgoin

4X founder // CEO of @CustomerCampCo // I help product teams figure out what triggers people to buy so they can market smarter // Seen in @forbes @inc @usatoday

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Consistency is often the #1 predictor of success It’s also often much harder than it sounds


When someone explains a complex topic simply in a way that finally makes it *click* for you, be grateful. Chances are it’s taken them weeks, months or even years of work to get to that point. Beautiful simplicity usually starts as a hawt mess. 🔥


When someone explains a complex topic simply in a way that finally makes it *click* for you, be grateful. Chances are it’s taken them weeks, months or even years of work to get to that point. Beautiful simplicity usually starts as a hawt mess. 🔥


PSA: you don’t need to be active on all the social media channels Especially if you’re starting out Choose 1 or 2 that make sense for your brand and that you can commit to being consistent on... And ignore the rest—at least until you have more capacity Focus drives momentum

#social media

PSA: you don’t need to be active on all the social media channels Especially if you’re starting out Choose 1 or 2 that make sense for your brand and that you can commit to being consistent on... And ignore the rest—at least until you have more capacity Focus drives momentum


People buy from people they know, like and trust. You can buy your way into being known. The other two must be earned.

#product management

Audience research hack: Listen to podcasts where your ideal customers are interviewed. You’ll hear real prospects describe their hopes and challenges in their own words. And the stories they share will help you build empathy. P.S. empathy is a super power. 💥


If you’re a freelancer who does your own marketing... Stop comparing yourself to in-house marketers at known brands or VC- backed startups.

#service delivery

Underpromise. Overdeliver. Wise advice that too few companies adhere to.


When seeking mentors, advisors or teachers look for people who practice what they preach. There are people who make a living telling others what they *should* do, yet don't actually do the work themselves. Be weary of these people. Shoulding is easy. Doing it hard.

#todo lists

You know what’s just as important as your “to-do” list? Your “don’t do” list. Set boundaries. Cut out the time-wasters. Delegate or delete stuff from your life. And watch your productivity soar!


In a world where everyone is chasing quick wins and overnight success, playing the long game can be your secret weapon.


When someone explains a complex topic simply in a way that finally makes it *click* for you, be grateful. Chances are it’s taken them weeks, months or even years of work to get to that point. Beautiful simplicity usually starts as a hawt mess. 🔥

#comparing yourself

Don't compete with other people. Compete with *you* from yesterday. Those small, daily improvements will compound quickly. You'll be your best you before you know it.

#product market fit

It’s way, wayyy harder to make people want stuff than it is to sell stuff people want. Translation? If you haven’t nailed the market need and the product positioning, you can funnel oodles of money into acquisition, but it will still feel painfully slow.