Andrew Wilkinson

Andrew Wilkinson

Co-founder of Tiny. Owners of Dribbble, MetaLab, and many others. Buying, starting and investing in wonderful internet businesses since 2007.

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Compounding happens slowly, and then all at once.


Compounding happens slowly, and then all at once.


Compounding happens slowly, and then all at once.


Something I've observed: The MOST successful people I've met (billionaire entrepreneurs/investors) are usually much more gracious and humble than VERY successful people who are on their way up. Maybe something to do with insecurity. An ounce of success is worth a pound of ego.


One of the most undervalued qualities is pace. There's nothing better than working with people who urgently think about what comes next, and push to get there. Analysis paralysis kills good ideas.

#starting a company

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from the last 5 years, it’s this: Starting companies is really hard. Tweaking existing companies to make them better is much easier and sometimes just as fun.


One universal thing every failed or failing entrepreneur I’ve met has in common: They don’t read 📚📖 Most pain can be avoided by adopting best practices and learning from the mistakes of others.

#personal learning / growth

One universal thing every failed or failing entrepreneur I’ve met has in common: They don’t read 📚📖 Most pain can be avoided by adopting best practices and learning from the mistakes of others.


It seems like every activity humans enjoy is about one thing: Creating a flow state. Quieting the mind enough to focus on a single thought or task. Less flow state = bad day More flow state = good day


One of the most undervalued qualities is pace. There's nothing better than working with people who urgently think about what comes next, and push to get there. Analysis paralysis kills good ideas.


One of the most undervalued qualities is pace. There's nothing better than working with people who urgently think about what comes next, and push to get there. Analysis paralysis kills good ideas.

#early stage

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from the last 5 years, it’s this: Starting companies is really hard. Tweaking existing companies to make them better is much easier and sometimes just as fun.


An underrated and often overlooked quality we *always* look for when hiring: Scrappiness. Does the person naturally keep forward momentum going when small obstacles get in their way? Do they quickly figure out best practices? Do they default to yes?

#decision making

The key to making good decisions, is making fewer decisions.


It's hard to pay someone to think like an owner.